Functional Reactive Programming with reactive-banana and vty

December 4, 2019

I’ve recently been experimenting with Haskell’s reactive-banana, a functional reactive programming (FRP) library. I couldn’t get the reactive-banana examples to work because of issues with wxWidgets, so I used vty instead. vty has fewer dependencies, and will provide a good demonstration of how to connect reactive-banana to a GUI library yourself.

A Quick Introduction to vty

vty is a terminal GUI library similar to ncurses. By using a simple terminal GUI we will be able to spend more time focused on reactive-banana itself, but first we need to learn a little about vty.

The following code is a complete vty program which will print Events as keys are pressed. The program ends after 10 seconds, and will not respond to Ctrl-C or other signals, so just wait it out. While the program runs, experiment by pressing a variety of keys.

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V

main :: IO ()
main = do
    vty <- V.mkVty V.defaultConfig
    _ <- forkIO $ forever $ loop vty
    threadDelay $ 10 * 1000000
    V.shutdown vty

loop :: V.Vty -> IO ()
loop vty = do
    e <- V.nextEvent vty
    showEvent e
    showEvent :: V.Event -> IO ()
    showEvent = V.update vty . V.picForImage . V.string V.defAttr . show

A few notes about the code:

For the specifics check out the vty API documentation on Hackage.

With just a few lines of code we have a real-time interactive program. Now we can experiment with functional reactive programming.

Connecting vty to reactive-banana

Before we connect reactive-banana to vty we need a high-level understanding of how reactive-banana works. What exactly does reactive-banana do? This might sound a little underwhelming, but bear with me; reactive-banana allows you to express IO actions in terms of input events. It’s simply an alternative way of implementing an Events -> IO () function! Except, Events -> IO () isn’t always simple; who know’s what state is hiding in there or how that state is structured? It can be anything. Functional reactive programming gives us a standard way to express the logic and manage the state inside a conceptual Events -> IO () function.

In reactive-banana we will built a “network” out of “Events” and “Behaviors” and about ten primative combinators. The conceptual network formed by these Events, Behaviors, and combinators is called an “event graph”, although there is no type by this name. An “event graph” can be connected to the real world in a variety of ways, but the implementation will stay the same, this allows us to build abstract components in reactive-banana without worrying about how they will be connected to the real world. When the “event graph” is ultimately connected to real world inputs and outputs it becomes an “EventNetwork”. Below we will build an extremely simple EventNetwork and use it in our program. There is no benefit to such a simple EventNetwork, but it will allow us to see how an EventNetwork is connected to the rest of the program. We will later build more sophisticated behaviors inside the EventNetwork without needing to alter the surrounding code much.

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks

main :: IO ()
main = do
    vty <- V.mkVty V.defaultConfig
    reactiveBananaNetwork <- network vty
    actuate reactiveBananaNetwork
    threadDelay $ 10 * 1000000
    V.shutdown vty

network :: V.Vty -> IO EventNetwork
network vty = compile $ do
    (inputE, fireInputE) <- newEvent
    _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ forever $ fireInputE =<< V.nextEvent vty
    reactimate $ fmap showEvent inputE
    showEvent :: V.Event -> IO ()
    showEvent = V.update vty . V.picForImage . V.string V.defAttr . show

About the code:

Building Logic with reactive-banana

Finally, I’ll end with a more complex example. This program allows you to type in your terminal, and pressing escape will toggle capitalization of the letters.

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks

main :: IO ()
main = do
    vty <- V.mkVty V.defaultConfig
    actuate =<< network vty
    threadDelay $ 20 * 1000000
    V.shutdown vty

update :: V.Vty -> [String] -> IO ()
update vty = V.update vty . V.picForImage . mconcat . fmap (V.string V.defAttr)

network :: V.Vty -> IO EventNetwork
network vty = compile $ do
    (inputEvents, fireInputEvent) <- newEvent
    _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ forever $ fireInputEvent =<< V.nextEvent vty
    outputEvents <- liftMoment $ pureNetwork inputEvents
    reactimate' =<< changes (fmap (update vty) outputEvents)

isChar :: V.Event -> Bool
isChar (V.EvKey (V.KChar _) _) = True
isChar _                       = False

isEsc :: V.Event -> Bool
isEsc (V.EvKey (V.KEsc) _) = True
isEsc _                    = False

mightCapitalize :: Bool -> String -> String
mightCapitalize True  = fmap toUpper
mightCapitalize False = id

pureNetwork :: Event V.Event -> Moment (Behavior [String])
pureNetwork inputEvents = do
    let inputChar = (\(V.EvKey (V.KChar c) _) -> pure c) <$>
                    filterE isChar inputEvents
    let inputEsc = filterE isEsc inputEvents
    accumedString <- accumB "" ((\new accumed -> accumed ++ new) <$> inputChar)
    capitalizeSwitch <- accumE False (not <$ inputEsc)
    maybeCapitalize <- switchB (pure $ mightCapitalize False)
                               (pure . mightCapitalize <$> capitalizeSwitch)
    pure $ fmap pure $ maybeCapitalize <*> accumedString

The core logic and state is managed in pureNetwork.

It’s been over 2 years since I started writing this post. I lost momentum, and then lost interest in publishing a blog until recently. I’ve lost most of the insights I had to offer, so I will instead refer you to the reactive-banana documentation. reactive-banana is relatively small compared to other FRP frameworks, and has good documentation.

Hopefully this small self-contained example will give you a starting point for your own experiments. As an exercise, modify the program so that toggling capitalization is throttled to once every 4 seconds, but other keypresses should remain unthrottled. As a hint, see fromPoll.